Cookie And Privacy Terms

How Does Philiflirt Use Cookies?

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website asks your browser to store on your computer or mobile device. The cookie allows the website to "remember" your actions or preferences across several page requests by your browser. Most browsers support cookies, but users can set their browsers to decline them and can delete them whenever they like.

We use cookies to ensure you can have a consistent user experience as "you" (so-called user session), which includes for instance that you don't have to log in for every individual page. Rather we can remember that you logged in once and can serve subsequent pages accordingly. Furthermore we use cookies to help us see and understand how users behave on the website (e.g. so-called user journey) for continuously improving the website and making it more user-friendly.

Cookies help us match several browser requests to a single user sending them, but they can't provide us any personal information about that user.

For analyzing your behavior on the website we use a service called Google Analytics. This service also uses cookies and is configured to respect your privacy in accordance with above statements. We do not use Google Analytics to link anything that happens on the website to any particular user, neither do we not use Google Analytics to link anything that happens on the website to any particular person in real life.

Philiflirt uses two types of cookies: Necessary cookies and optional cookies.
All cookies can be checked/inspected using the link below.
Necessary cookies are necessary for Philiflirt to function in a meaningful way at all. If you want to restrict the use of these cookies, the only choice we can offer is that you don't open this website in your browser.
Optional cookies can be restricted using the links below.

Privacy Policy

Application Privacy Statement

This website/application is provided by Philiflirt, Rögenoort 13, 22397 Hamburg, Germany. I respect your privacy and highly value your trust.
By using or otherwise accessing the application you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Statement.

Personal Information

E-Mail Address: Philiflirt saves your e-mail address during the registration process. Your e-mail address is needed to communicate with you outside the website and to ensure you're not opening several user accounts. We do not share your e-mail address with anyone.

Real name and postal address: Philiflirt requires your real name and your postal address once you order Premium. We do not share this data with anyone.

All personal data that you enter in your user profile will be handled according to the visibility setting on your account configuration page, but for the sake of simplicity we suggest that you consider all of it publicly visible data. The best practice would probably be to make everything anonymous.
This means: please do not enter any information that can reveal who you are because except for the Premium order process the website is designed only for anonymous use. If you enter anything that can be used to identify you, it may be stored anywhere in our database, in our log files, and may appear to the public anywhere on the website.

Private Information

Philiflirt handles private messages in user-to-user communication. We do not read those messages or share them with anyone.
Only if a complaint about a private chat is received from one of the participants and a screenshot of that chat is enclosed, we reserve the right to verify the authenticity of that screenshot by checking messages stored in our database if we feel this is a necessary step to decide appropriate action how to deal with the complaint.

Information Collection and Use

Log Files

Log files are an important standard procedure in almost all stages of digital information processing. This website uses log files on our servers to record the behavior of the website in order to discover and diagnose irregularities and errors. If no such irregularities or errors have been discovered, log files get overwritten after a few days. In rare cases we may decide to keep them longer to investigate into complex problems.
We usually do not store personal information of any user, as far as we know it at all, in log files.
In very rare cases it may be necessary to log personal information as part of a temporary more detailed logging.
Not only for the sake of your privacy but also due to security considerations all our log files are strictly confidential at all times. Information from there will never be published or shared with others.


As stated above, cookies do not enable us or help us to identify you. Likewise we configure external services (Google Analytics) to respect your privacy and use cookies only in accordance with your privacy.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a service by Google that enables website owners to better understand how their users behave, e.g. what they like and what they don't like. As such it is an important tool for improving and developing the website.
Google Analytics may temporarily have to process some of your personal data, such as your IP address, but we configure it to respect your privacy and not store this information anywhere, not to aggregate it with other Google services, and not to share it with others.


Almost all data that you see on the website comes from a permanent storage (e.g. a hard disk drive). Almost all data that you enter (e.g. your user profile data) must be stored to a permanent storage. Otherwise we can't use it later to serve the actual application logic.
Most of such permanent storage will be in the form of a database. A database is a technical provision for efficiently storing and finding pieces of structured information.
You should assume that all data that you enter on the website will or might be saved in our databases.
As with most other websites, our databases are considered one of the most crucial business secrets, and will not be shared with others at any time.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this Cookies Policy, please contact us at