Platform Rules

We want Philiflirt to be an environment that brings joy and success in finding the right life partner. Below rules are intended to support and defend these goals and make all our users reach them. Please follow them and help us realize our vision of bringing couples together.

You are fully responsible for the content you write and your actions on this platform. This applies to both public profiles (publicly visible content) as well as chat messages (private user-to-user communication).

Public profiles must be suitable for introducing yourself to potential partners and should not contain any other content. While we understand that public profiles are a matter of taste, we may not accept public profiles that are unnecessarily controversial, offensive, or off-topic.

Public profiles must show and describe yourself. It is not allowed to impersonate anyone else, whether a real or fictitious person.

Public profiles must not contain contact data, such as real names, website URLs, e-mail addresses, and pointers to social media profiles.

Private chats are, as their name says, private. It's up to you and your potential partner to negotiate what is acceptable there and what is not.
However, as a guideline, only private messages that help with getting to know each other or leading a relationship are allowed. In particular it is forbidden to send ads, spam, or any other business content to our users.

We reserve the right to delete content and ban accounts that violate above rules.